you have to wait for 10 to 15 minutes after that you can try again. You can also improve the system update (auto update) another time.
Here I will give a solution to the error in windows update error 80072EE2. First you have to know what is causing the error on windows causing error and when you try to connect to the server for new updates, if the system is not able to make the connection it will display an error message will appear on your computer screen.
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To fix Windows Update Error Code 80072ee2
Here are some solutions that you can do if you have problem with this error :- Check back if you use a proxy server, check the settings on the Internet exploler should make sure the proxy does not require a password or username to connect. The easiest way is to turn off the proxy server for windows update in progress.
- Check back your computer is infected by a virus or spyware before. because spyware can modify settings on Internet exploler to use a proxy server. open CMD program by typing the command CMD on the start menu. Run the following command in the CMD ": netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie" (without the quotes)
- Check some dll files on your computer. Perhaps the DLL file has been unregistered in the computer system, this is caused by several factors that can lead to errors in the windows update (80072EE2). Try to open CMD and register this dll file on your windows "jscript.dll", "oleaut32.dll", "msxml.dll", "vbscript.dll", "wintrust.dll", "wintrust.dll", "cryptdlg.dll", "initpki.dll", "softpub.dll" (without quotes). You can register dll file by typing the command regsvr32 (name dll to be registered) example "regsvr32 vbscript.dll" (without quotes).
This is a rare occurrence that can cause errors on windows update (80072EE2). Maybe MTU settings on your computer there is not true. if this happens, you just need to reset the MTU value for the (1492) after that you can try again.
How To Solve Windows Update Error Code 80072ee2
I just try give best solution i have and hope this help Solve windows update error code 80072EE2, and if the problem is still unsolved, try reinstall your windows system because this is best solution for fix any problem inside computer.New Update How To Fix Error On WIndows Update Problem (80072EE2)
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Try the $25 tech Support for error code 80072ee2 fix.